Practical Strategies for a Robust Mind-Body Connection in Daily Life

A hand is picking happy face stones  and a girl meditate in sunshine near river.

Can you imagine that "the brain and the body can be changed by visualization"? 

Visualization alters the brain and body. When something is real and something is just in your imagination, your brain cannot distinguish between the two. A mind-body integration exercise was instructed by a neuroscientist at Harvard. A simple five-finger combination of piano notes. Scientists grouped some people for an interesting study. One group practiced playing the piano with their fingers for two hours every day, while the other group imagined playing the piano in their minds. Both groups did this for five days in a row. The researchers checked the volunteers' brains every day using a technique called TMS. 

They found that there wasn't much difference between the brains of those who played with their fingers and those who played in their minds. Both groups' brain areas grew bigger. In simple terms, our brains can't always tell the difference between real actions and just imagining them. The effects on both groups' brains were the same. 

Let's relate this to everyday situations. Imagine getting upset during a conversation. It's like playing a note on the piano with your fingers, leaving an impression in your mind. The memory of that moment stays with you, affecting your brain and, in turn, your body. 

Now, think about how often you recall such incidents. Every time you replay those scenes in your mind, it's like the group that played the piano mentally. In your daily life, conflicts might last only a few minutes, but you often spend hours thinking about them. So, which has a bigger impact? 

This research teaches us that arguing in our minds has the same effect as arguing in person. It means the effects on your brain and body are similar whether you're physically doing something or just thinking about it. This research is powerful, and you should grasp its significance. 


What is the Connection Between the Mind, Body, and Soul? 

Our brain and body can't make choices on their own—it's the mind and soul that have that power. Scientists explain their findings based on what they can see physically in the brain and body. Now, let's think about why the brain sometimes can't tell the difference between real actions and just imagining them. 

Imagine playing a piano with your fingers. When you physically touch the piano keys, a signal goes from your body to your brain. Now, in your mind, if you imagine playing the piano without physically touching anything, your brain still gets the same signals. Why? Because the brain gets signals from the soul. The soul "plays" the piano through the mind, creating a mental image of fingers pressing the keys. The brain reacts the same way in both cases, making the brain images identical. Now, here's a simple question: If the impact on the brain is the same whether you're physically playing the piano or just imagining it, what's the real cause behind this? 


Why Our Brain Mixes Up Reality and Imagination: A Simple Explanation" 

Think about your day — there are times when in your mind, you might get angry, shout, or even imagine doing something to someone. All these thoughts are like actions of the soul, and they get recorded in your mind. This research shows that, although we can't prove the existence of the soul, we can see its impact on the mind. 

Now, consider what's more powerful than external situations. It's the influence of what we keep thinking about and replaying in our minds. External situations affect our minds, and what's even more impactful is when we repeatedly think about, revise, or reaffirm incidents internally. 

In ancient China, there were a lot of intellectuals. Once upon a time, there was an outbreak of plague. The doctors used certain herbs which were boiled and used to heal people. But the outbreak was so extensive, that they ran out of those herbs. Many doctors went to an old wise man. Expressing concern that people might die due to the non-availability of those medicines. The wise man said, the herb was finished, but its name still exists. The doctors didn’t understand. The old man told them to keep chanting the name of that medicinal herb. The doctor writes in his book, that all doctors kept chanting. Surprisingly, by just chanting, the plague started disappearing from the country. This story illustrates the power of thinking and how it can bring about positive changes even without a physical remedy. 

The Reality of Healing through Pure Thoughts 

Think about the amazing power of our thoughts. Imagine one group physically eating a medicinal herb, and another group just thinking about it. Surprisingly, both groups experienced the same healing results. This is a big deal! Understanding this can change the way we think inside. 

Throughout the day, our minds are always busy. We have inner conversations, talking, scolding, and correcting our thoughts. Even if we think we can't say these things out loud, our minds are recording them. Starting today, what's crucial is to STOP those negative thoughts from being recorded. This is a powerful idea that's helping many people heal. 

Recognize that negative thoughts can create illness in the body. If we hold onto hurt and resentment for a long time, it affects our brain, which then affects our body. But here's the amazing part – we can create healing thoughts. We can take the powers from God and imagine our organs becoming perfectly healthy. Any blockage or issue created can be dissolved and finished. Surprisingly, we are not physically eating a medicinal herb; we are just thinking about it. Many people are experiencing healing through the power of positive thinking. 

Let's start today by checking what's continuously going on in our minds. Especially during overthinking, remember, for the brain, these thoughts are real, not imaginary. So, take a pause. How does meditation help? It slows down the speed of our thoughts, improving their quality. When this happens, the number of messages to the brain decreases, positively influencing the body. Some may ask if just thinking can yield results. The result of this research is clear: creating pure thoughts does produce results because the brain cannot distinguish between the real and the imaginary. So, start today, give your mind the right thoughts, and witness the positive change. 


You do not even need to imagine. You only need to realize that "I am truly a pure soul."   

When we say "imagine," it's not about creating a fantasy. Instead, it means forming a simple thought. For example, think, "I am a pure soul." This thought becomes words, and it gets recorded in your soul. If you consistently create thoughts like, "I am a pure soul," and accompany them with pure actions and words, you align with a group that, like the piano players who only visualized playing, finds power in visualization. 

This technique, often known as visualization, isn't just about healing the body; it's primarily about cleansing the soul. Today, it's crucial to pay attention to our internal thoughts because we have far more of them throughout the day than external situations. 

So, embrace the simplicity of creating positive thoughts, like "I am a pure soul," and witness the transformation within yourself. 

People say “I have never harmed anyone. Why do wrong things happen to me?” 

When people wonder why wrong things happen despite their belief in not causing harm, it's crucial to recognize that our thoughts play a significant role. Actions are not limited to what we say and do; our internal thoughts also contribute. Imagine speaking cordially to someone while harboring negative thoughts about them. Did we ever consider the impact of these unspoken thoughts? 

Reflect on instances where you may have believed your actions were flawless, like serving a good lunch. However, if negative thoughts persisted, they were silently recorded. Changing external circumstances requires addressing internal thoughts. 

Consider relationships marred by repeated conflicts. Instead of solely focusing on external resolutions, initiate internal healing. The emotions tied to past incidents, if repeatedly recalled, become scars on the soul. Unhealed wounds hinder external change. 

Stop the cycle at one incident. Transform that negative thought into a positive one. Don't let one painful experience shape a lifetime of negativity. By acknowledging the power of internal transformation, we take control of our destiny and pave the way for a more positive and harmonious existence.

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