, pub-5812913587068654, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children

 “It is difficult to instruct children because of their natural inattention; the true mode, of course, is to first make our modes interesting to them.”– John Locke 

illusion hyper child break toy and other beating on table

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition characterized by difficulties controlling impulsive behavior and paying attention. Normal children can occasionally forget their homework, daydream in class, act irrationally, or fidget while eating dinner with their families. However, if this habit is prolonged and interferes with daily activities, they may have ADHD, and it can be more challenging for children and their parents. It is first diagnosed before the age of seven, and if unidentified, it may last into adulthood. Although it is a chronic condition, it can be treated with effective therapy, medication, and appropriate educational support. These elements significantly impact social and academic development and interpersonal relationships, which help combat the troubles and improve family relations. 

What Causes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 

Although the precise cause of ADHD is still unknown, the available data indicates that it is a highly heritable disease that runs in families. Premature birth, brain damage during pregnancy, and other birth complications can also contribute to its development. A high rate of ADHD is associated with a child's low birth weight, as well as the use of alcohol and smoking during pregnancy.   

The widely held beliefs are not supported by research that suggests excessive use of television, high sugar intake, or social and environmental factors like poverty, and bad parenting may lead to ADHD. However, this information is not sophisticated enough to conclude that they are the root cause of ADHD. 

Common ADHD Signs and Symptoms in Children 

It is one of the most frequent neurodevelopmental diseases in Children today. It is characterized by two categories; inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. The hallmark signs range from mild to severe and cause problems at home, school, or with friends. It may include:

ADHD child is pulling tie of doctor in clinic illusion


  • Difficulty maintaining attention is a key symptom of ADHD in children. They can have: 

  1. Learning and listening difficulties 
  2. Unfollowing instructions and making careless mistakes in their work 
  3. Easily distracted, daydreaming, forgetting, and losing things 
  4. Not finishing tasks and easily bored 

Hyperactivity and Impulsivity 

  1. Children with ADHD will also be overactive, frequently fidget and restless, leave their seats in the classroom without permission, or talk excessively 
  2. They may move quickly and forcefully without considering others 
  3. It could be challenging for them to control their inclinations. 
  4. They may control or interrupt conversation and blurt out answers before the question is complete 
  5. Some may be pre to risk-taking behavior, displaying little or no sense of danger 

Many children with ADHD have tantrums, and some have conduct disorders along with other developmental and learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, speech and language delay, or other impairment of speech. They may have social communication difficulties or repetitive behavior, and some of these children will experience low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. It is often difficult to identify anxiety and depression because disruptive behaviors become the focus of concern for teachers and parents, and therefore anxiety and depression are overlooked. 

How Do You Discipline an ADHD Child? 


Parenting with ADHD is exhausting and frustrating; however, providing positive attention can reduce the maximum consequences of behavioral problems.

Make your instructions more effective by spending regular time with an ADHD child, paying full attention through eye contact, and placing your hand on the child's shoulder. Give one instruction at a time and avoid orders such as “clean your room.” Instead, distribute a checklist to each family member and allow the list to follow you  

Establish a reward system for completing the tasks, such as sitting at the table during meals, putting toys away after use, and being gentle with animals. They will exchange these tasks with their favorite games and activities. 

Which is the Best Treatment Option for ADHD  

Treatment options for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder include behavior therapy, effective medication, educational counseling, and public awareness campaigns. However, they may take some time to produce the desired effects. As a parent of a child with ADHD, you must be aware of all side effects during treatment periods. Early intervention, parent training, improved school administration, and behavior therapy are all recommended for preschool-aged children and helpful throughout adulthood.

Hyper active child with colors
Does medication for children with ADHD work safely 

Medications are the first line of treatment options for children aged 7 to 18 years. Stimulants can be prescribed to treat the core symptoms of ADHD, but they have unintended consequences. Although not all children with ADHD need medication, it can help them with their mental health issues by enhancing the stimulation of two brain chemicals called dopamine and epinephrine. These substances improve focus and attention. Before taking medication treatment, there should be complete awareness of the clinical treatment procedure. Including: 

  1. A parent needs to have a complete understanding of the treatment procedure. 
  2. To assist your child in taking all follow-up medications, administer the recommended dose at the appropriate time 
  3. Always take advice from a health care specialist in case of a change in dosage or stopped treatment course. 
  4. Place all medicines in safe areas and get away from other children to reach them.   

How to augment ADHD with natural remedy or speech therapy 

Children with ADHD can be treated with natural remedies and speech therapy; however, it doesn’t mean patients should discontinue medications unless their healthcare provider has specifically instructed them to do so. The preference for natural therapy over medication is notable because medications are only prescribed for short-term use and have undesirable side effects. In contrast, behavior therapy helps to reduce ADHD symptoms or, in some cases, eliminates the need for medications by providing long-term symptom relief. If there are deficiencies in brain functions, several vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, omega-3, iron, and fatty acids, can help reduce ADHD and improve well-being.   

We know that this can be a challenging time for parents and children alike when dealing with ADHD. There are different types of medications, used to treat ADHD. They include stimulants, non-stimulants, and antidepressants. Some of them may have side effects, but some of them are natural and don't have side effects. While medication may help control symptoms for some, others may benefit from a combination of therapies, including medication, behavioral therapy, and dietary interventions.  

Treatment for ADHD is an ongoing process, so it is important to work closely with a healthcare professional to develop a plan that is right for your child. For the most up-to-date science-based information on ADHD, learn more about [Transform your Mindpower: Read Some Interesting Myths & Facts About Mental Health] 


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